Bite Size Fairy Tale Number 6

Androcles, an enslaved person, was fleeing his master’s wrath when he stumbled upon a ferocious lion. The lion, whose mane was matted with dirt and whose eyes blazed with fury, pinned Androcles to the ground. As the lion roared angrily, Androcles noticed that he had a thorn in his paw. Since Androcles was easily distracted and thought “that must hurt” he gently removed the thorn from the lion’s paw. To his surprise, the lion let him go. He then began to purr and nuzzle Androcles.

From that day on, Androcles and the lion became the best of friends. They roamed the countryside together, sharing meals and stories beneath the open sky. And posting videos of themselves on the lion’s social media accounts, under the hashtags #feelingfierce #pawsitivelyunstoppable and #relationshipgoals.

A man and a lion living happily ever after, one cringeworthy video at a time. The end.