In a small village, a curious boy named Timmy was obsessed with his new smartphone. One day, he thought it would be funny to shitpost “WOLF SIGHTING!” on social media, and soon the whole town was abuzz with danger, with a few who knew it was actually just a covert government conspiracy. Timmy enjoyed his silly prank, so he thought it would be funny to post “WOLF SIGHTING AGAIN!”. Again the village rushed to defend, aid and gossip- though some stayed home thinking “why should I bother doing anything?” Several days later a genuine real wolf approached the village, and Timmy posted “WOLF SIGHTING! THIS TIME IT’S FOR REAL!” But by then, no one believed him. The villagers were already certain in what they knew to be not true, and had grown tired of being duped. So instead of protecting themselves they went and elected the wolf as their new leader.